
Here’s a Silicon Valley secret you need to know. Rapid success of startups has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with a new breed of organizational structure, which allows massive impact with a very small footprint. I call them the Exponential Organizations,...

So I recently reached a milestone. It wasn’t one I had to work hard to get, it certainly didn’t require any great knowledge but it did require assistance from others and a little bit of luck. It is also a milestone that I wasn’t particularly...

Know how you’re smart, not just how smart you are, in comparison to others. This is an extremely important factor as often we are too hard on ourselves. Should I compare what I know to an Elon Musk or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett?...

Simon Sinek asks us to "Start with Why".  So why do we start with why?  I have always believed that to get the right business metrics in place we need to look at our personal lives.  After all if our personal and business goals aren’t...

It’s time we called bullshit on the system. When I was a kid I had a dream - most of us did. In my case I wanted to be a footballer, and I had an opportunity but fate intervened. In my fourth game my knee went,...

How many minutes a day do we waste not chasing our goals, our aspirations, our passions, helping others? Are we wasting time on things that don’t matter, on impressing people we don’t like and on doing things we hate? Time is one of the most...